Maine Philatelic Society        Ongoing postal history projects at Maine Philatelic

The Post Offices of Maine – 2022 Edition
Digital edition now available!

A project of the Maine Philatelic Society, the printed edition of The Post Offices of Maine – 2022, published by Moosehead Communications, is now sold out. A downloadable, digital version of the contents of the book is now being made available at

The Post Offices of Maine – 2022, compiled by several members of the Maine Philatelic Society, is a completely revised and updated version of the 1995 The Post Offices of Maine, A Rarity Guide.

The book is 286 pages, the bulk of it two tables of 3300 post office listings. Table One is sorted by post office name, with town location, scarcity rating, historic and current county location, opening and closing dates and notes. Table Two is the same information, sorted by county and town. More than 200 new entries are included, primarily newly listed stations and branches, and county location changes.

Scarcity ratings have been updated, and are provided for each time period of an office; many opening and closing dates have been corrected, and more added; a few listings now recognized as errors have been moved to an appendix. Town locations, both current and historical, are noted, including most changes of post office location from one town to another. All changes from the previous edition have source citations. There is extensive introductory information, appendices and source listings, and numerous color illustrations.

An updated (through June 16, 2024) cumulative listing of Addenda and Errata for the book is now available here as a five-page PDF file for downloading and printing.

An updated version of the online guide to Research Resources on Maine Postal History -- originally developed while researching the 2002 edition of the book -- is available here.

last update 27 March 2024